What’s microcopy?
To define what microcopy is, we have to delve into the interesting debate about Content Design or, more popularly known, UX Writing. Units of information that not only have to be persuasive but useful and in a perfect balance with the tone of voice. In this short article, I will explain what a microcopy is and how the user is its epicentre.
Microcopy is part of the user experience in websites, apps and other interactive platforms. It guides the user to complete a task or achieve a goal, helping them use a service or product effectively.
Microcopy focuses on the user’s needs and expectations. Unlike other types of copywriting that can ignore some segments of the audience, microcopy targets every user who interacts with it. For example, an ad for men’s perfumes can exclude women and children as potential customers. But in an app, every user must know what they are doing, how and why.
Microcopy is part of the UX writing experience so it must be helpful, clear, contextual and structured. It respects the universal language and follows a logical flow. It also maintains a balance between brand identity and message effectiveness.
Copywriting is always creative, but in the definition of copywriter, we have to add also the mission of being useful and effective. That is why, when we have to define what microcopy is, we cannot forget that it is communication at the service of the product. With a microcopy, users understand and execute meticulously what they are required for.
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